
Written by Rob Furlong

Christians need to think carefully about their vote and they need to think beyond just environmental issues. Rudd says he will ratify Kyoto which is done and dusted, the coalition are making noises about a future agreement that will enable them to set better targets on green house emissions. So what!? There is plenty of evidence that points to the fact that most carbon dioxide emissions are caused naturally through volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc. ie. man is NOT the number one polluter on the planet. Apart from that, what about our families that are being negatively impacted by rampant divorce, the ready availability of porn on the internet, liberalised abortion laws, so called registers for gay couples - I could go on but I hope you begin to see where I am coming from.

Our families and their values need MORE protection than the environment! If we don't protect families then what is the use of protecting the environment? There will be no one around to enjoy it.

There is no doubt at all that the ALP is heavily influenced by the Union movement - if people think that Rudd can/will stand up to the Unions, then they should think again and they do NOT understand the politics of the ALP. The ALP has a definite Leftist agenda which is anti-Christian: they are pro-abortion,pro-gay rights,pro-anti vilification laws, - how can we as Christians cast a thinking vote in that direction? This does not mean that you automatically vote Liberal - what you need to do is to look for a party that genuinely upholds Christian principles.

So think seriously about the Christian Democratic Party - a grass roots party of ordinary people who are genuinely concerned about the direction our nation is headed. They are pro-family which means they will uphold and encourage laws and policies that PROTECT the family unit. If you want to know more then check out their website at www.cdpwa.org.au There is a real chance that if their Senate candidate, Gerard Goiran is elected then Christians would hold the balance of power in the Senate. Senator Steve Fielding of the Family First party is already there.

I really encourage you, especially young people, to think seriously and prayerfully about your vote this election. How you vote does matter!


Dodgy Pete said...

I agree that all Australian's, including non-christians and people of other religious persuasion need to think about who they vote for this election.

Politics is pretty sad these days. And it's not the fault of politicians, it's societies responsibility. Yours, and mine.

I've heard "Why didn't the liberals do more about climate change in their last 11 years in politics?" Because society didn't care. It's only now that it's politically correct and "cool" to care about global warming that everyone's starting to jump on the band wagon. Yes the politicians should provide leadership, but they are our representatives, and unfortunately I think they represent society all too well!

Why don't the politicians say what they stand for these days, and stick to it with integrity like in days gone by? Because we live in a superficial consumerist society that doesn't want to face the hard truth, that cuts people down who put their flag in the sand and asks for wishy washy meaningless superficial dreams and goals to be fed to them so they don't have to worry about taking responsibility for life, that makes them feel good now, and doesn't commit them to anything so they can keep their options open for the future when something better comes along.

It's rife. We do it with cars, computers, marriage, politics, work, etc, etc. No commitment, loyalty, integrity, morals, truth.

It's a big bonus for a consumerist society to make us all individuals and pit us against everyone else. If you have kids they're only going to hold you back from being rich, doing what you want and having what you want and having more than Mr Jones. It'll hold you back from being successful!!

A capitalist/consumer society doesn't want us existing in functional family units and communities. It don't want us car pooling, sharing, and loving our neighbours. We need to beat them. To be more successful.

To a certain extent I think the election is bigger than religion. If non-christians think the break down of families and family values is ok, then I pity them. But many christians are too lazy and caught up in our consumer superficial society to make any postive changes either.

Unless there is a big change, that needs to start with families, we are headed towards a fairly bleak future in my opinion.

Sorry for the ranting. :)

Anonymous said...

I might have been persuaded to vote CDP, but their politics based decision to preference the Atheist Party before a Family First candidate in the NSW Senate election was plain wrong.

Mark Edwards said...

I dont vote cdp...but this article suggests different to what you have suggested
