
No glove no love

Yes, Im onto that topic again!!

I posted about this a while back and it has still been on my mind since! Is contraception for Christians the right thing to do? Should we be taking control over our lives instead of allowing God to have complete and utter control? This is a tough one for me. I love kids and I am looking forward to the day when, God willing, we will have our own little brood, but I am struggling with the fact that so many people use the excuse of not being able to afford more than 1 or 2. I find this really really sad. Aren't children a blessing? I know they can be little terrors, I was, but surely we should be looking at them more so as a blessing than a natural step to take in marriage.

God has slowly been working in my life this year, as much as I hate to admit it, and this is something that God has been touching me with - prodding my heart you could say. I like to have control over everything. If I can't control what is happening I get frustrated. I can't control my fertility or Russells. I also don't think I should be trying to control my life, and for me that includes contraception.

These days women are putting off having children more and more and are being told to put their eggs on ice. This isn't what God intended when he said "be fruitful and multiply" he didnt say, "put your eggs on ice, you can get back to them later". We women weren't meant to have our 'periods' for so long (sorry guys) before having kids! (does that make sense? - Maybe I should get pete to explain this, his the scientific guru) I know that there are rough days with kids, rough years even, but I can think of nothing better! When I look at Russell I see how much I love him and how much I want to bless him with children. I know I know...reach for the bucket, but it's true!

I was chatting with Russell a couple weeks back about how there is an inate desire for women to have children. When we are 2yrs old we have baby dolls that we carry everywhere with prams and we love playing house. It's as though we are programmed in the womb, by God, with a nurturing gene. I know not all women may feel this, and some may feel they missed out on this gene, but I also think the roles our parents play have a lot to do with this too. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't know how well contraception sits with me at the moment. What do guys think?

*Recently Edited*
I just came across this article...quite an interesting read with handy links


Dodgy Pete said...

Hmmm, an interesting topic.

Isn't the real issue about the right or wrong of having sex for reasons other than having children?

And if you assume the use of condoms are wrong then surely the use of the family planning method or withdrawal method (and all other forms of contraception) are wrong?

But why would contraception be wrong? If a guy doesn't have sex eventually he releases unused sperm through wet dreams. Is that different from releasing them into a Condom?

And surely sex is a very important bonding experience between an intimate couple, outside of being a baby making ritual.

Many would also argue the world is too over populated already, and that many families these days are not really equipped to bring up one child properly, little own a football team.

In a perfect world I think people shouldn't be able to have kids unless they apply for a licence. Children aren't a right, they are a responsibility, and one of the biggest responsibilities people can take on.

Hmmm, that's probly enough questions from me. Good topic bek ;)

bek said...

ppsssst...ill respond to those q's in a sec, but can you explain the period thing please?

Sarah said...

As a soon to be married chick, I guess this has relevance for me and I'm definitely commenting with an 'agenda'.

I'm planning to go on the pill, no secret and I personally don't think contraception is wrong. Can this issue be defended by scripture? I'm willing to be challenged on my views if it can.

I don't know about the 'be fruitful and multiply' bit, I'd argue that we've already done it and keep doing it. The world has more people than ever before and I'm worried about the environmental impact of over overpopulation. Having said that, please don't think I'm one of those people who argue for abortion and killing just to protect the environment. Obviously I'm Christian and therefore anti all of those.

I think Dodgy Pete makes valid points about natural v artificial contraception. If condoms and the Pill are wrong then withdrawal and other 'natural' methods must also be wrong. Also that it's impractical for all families to have stacks of kids. Some people are yuppies who don't want kids to interfere with their lifestyle but others have real financial hardships and can't afford a tribe. The only way for them not to have stacks of kids (without contraception)would be to stop having sex which wouldn't be great for their marriage. Also some people have health problems which makes lots of pregnancies difficult.

I'm against any form of contraception that allows conception but then destroys the life that has already been created.

The question of whether contraception takes things out of God's control is any interesting one. It just seems like another issue that we have freedom in. God gives us wisdom to make decisions. How is a couple deciding how many kids to have any different to any other decision we face? It kind of reminds me of people who say it's wrong to have operations or take medicine because that's taking the healing out of God's hands. Some people may disagree with that comparison(again if someone has scripture to add into this debate, I'm listening!) In the end, God is in control, contraception or no contraception. A couple could decide to have as many kids as possible and sadly be unable to conceive. Likewise, contraception can fail.

As I said, I have an 'agenda'. I'd like to enjoy being married for a bit before I start popping them out.

Glad to see the pill poll up and running ;)

Dodgy Pete said...

Taking sarah's point a little further about use of contraception and medicine, etc taking things out of Gods hands. Surely it's a bit like the guy sitting on his roof in a flood waiting for God to save him. A dude in a boat comes by to rescue him and he says "no thanks God will save me". Who says God didn't send the guy in the boat?

We don't sit around waiting for God to provide us with Mana from heaven each day. We Grow food.

I've gotta have a little think and do some research on the "having babies later" question. I know that the chances of complications increase significantly later in life.

bek said...

you both make very good points!

I agree in a perfect world (which is what God originally intended) we wouldnt have this problem.

I have never really thought about the world over populating...I dont see any harm in it...is that bad? but I honestly don't see it!

Sarah said...

I see the harm as being the enormous pressure of overpopulation on natural resources. Can the earth provide for even more people than it does now? What about poverty? Will there be even more environmental problems from chopping down more forests for cities, farms etc?

We don't see the effects of overpopulation living in Australia because we have such a tiny population compared to the geographical size of our nation.

I often think about all the orphans who nobody wants because they'd rather have their own kids. By no means am I saying it's wrong to have your own kids - I want to. Adoption laws are so hard atm. I guess I can be a bit 'Angelina Jolie' in my thinking sometimes ;)