
What a big weekend!

On Saturday we had Middo from AGT come around and help us out with our garden issues. We took so many photos, I will hopefully be able to load them up tomorrow. Let me just say, that was an interesting experience! I have never heard so many “your mine sucker” “take that” and “you little mongrel” ‘s when someone is trying to remove 12 trees from our front yard! It was really quite funny. Then, when he finished pulling them out he would throw them as far as he could! He was a machine, I was exhausted, but Middo just kept going! Fantastic job! I LOVE the garden and it looks fantastic for a day’s work!

On Sunday we had church, then I headed to a work friends ‘hens party’. We had lunch at Blue Water Grill where one of the girls I work with, her brother runs the joint (head chef and what not) and he spoilt us rotten! He gave us a couple bottles of wine (soooo delicious) and 3 different entrĂ©e’s and I had the most beautiful Eye Fillet ever! Ohh…it was just a lovely arvo looking over the city enjoying good food and company. I then headed over to see Aimee for her birthday and caught up with my very pregnant friend Fi. I was there for maybe 30mins and then we had to head off and play netball. My arms and back are so stuffed up at the moment it’s not funny! I can barely move!

Russ and I were chatting last night and we thought about how much easier and relaxing it is to play on a non-christian team. Last season we played with all Christians and church friends. Now nothing against our friends, but every game was stressful. It was a forced social gathering. However, it is so much more easy-going playing with our non-christian mates.

At the end of last season we decided that we wanted to be intentional about the things we do, and one of those things was being in a non-christian team. We love to play netball and when we originally started playing it was to play with Russell’s old school mates – it was a good way to keep in touch. After a couple of years we ended up playing in a full Christian team. Why is it harder to play with Christians than it is to play with non-christians?

We have no idea, but we are having a lot of fun being able to spend quality time with our current team and just getting to enjoy life with each other.

Last night I was in such a good mood that I decided to push the boundaries with Russell. I was watering the front yard with our new hose and Russell was just standing there. I asked what he would do if I wet him, to which he replied, “you would be in a lot of trouble”. “How much trouble is a lot of trouble?” He took to long to reply so I just hosed him down, front and back. He wasn’t too happy and just walked straight inside.

“This is life Russell! The world isn’t going to end – just enjoy it!”

Hmmm…I probably wouldn’t have been so into 'life' if he had of done it to me…ah well…it was still fun...I love life!


Gareth Williams said...

So is he talking to you yet?

bek said...

yes. i made it up to him ;)

nah, he soon got over it...actually it was a few hours...

Anonymous said...

Had a great Saturday at your joint Bek...glad you got to see another side of me!!

I was VERY happy with the progress we made:) Looks GREAT!