
Is it wrong to want something so bad that you fear God may never bless you with it?


Dodgy Pete said...

It is not wrong to want things per se, but fear is not a healthy response.

If you want something, and you have control over obtaining it, i.e. like a car or a house or clothes, you worry about making the right decision about meeting your want (i.e. buying the right house for not too much) but there hopefully isn't too much fear realted to the decision.

If the want is something you don't have control over we often feel fear, because we don't have control. For example if you really like a girl and want her to like you, it can be very scarey and people become very fearful of possible rejection.

It doesn't really make sense. Ideally if something isn't in your control you should accept it and not waste energy being fearful about it.

A common example is terrorism. We don't have control over it, even with lots of money going into intelligence and security, there is a huge amount of public fear about a terrorist attack, but the likelihood of being involved in a terrorist attack is minute. What a waste of energy.

The bible says we should put things into Gods control. Have faith and relinquish our desire to control what we can't.

I'm only just starting to understand this and actually be able to some extent realise I don't have control over much and shouldn't waste too much energy on it.

Hope that ramble makes some sense :)

bek said...

No, that really helps alot pete! you are a very wise young man ;)

Sarah said...

I guess it depends how badly you want it and what your response to God would be if he didn't give it you.

Someone said this to me last year when we were discussing how you can tell if a healthy desire for something has turned into idolatry and I found the discussion helpful.

fletchboy said...

I took my time before I decided to respond, but I thought from the first time I read it, that the core issue is not even so much whether you fear or not. It is more about the concept of God that would say, "If I want something really badly, then God will withhold it from me." Come to church on Sunday. ;-) I have the inside scoop that the message is going to be about that very topic! :-)

For those who have prior engagements, the message is that part of the very core of faith is believing that God will reward those who seek to please him. We seldom admit it, but we often tend to think that God is there just to punish us. Not so. He wants to reward us!

bek said...

I'm trying to believe that Greg, but these days I feel as though God really is punishing me.

I am too scared to want or desire something because I feel God will never grant it or bless me...ever!
I know it is such a bad view of God, I just dont know how much I trust him at the moment

bek said...

And now I even feel bad for saying or thinking that, and now God is going to punish me just for that!!


Sarah said...

I feel exactly the same way atm. Will blog about it

fletchboy said...

NOW you know why I didn't just write the response quickly. I didn't want to write it at all, but I think it needs to be confronted. You have confronted it now. That is the first step. Keep going. Reflect on the TRUE nature of who God is, and all that he has actually done for you in the past and see if that gives any insight into how he is likely to respond to you now. I don't think there is going to be much basis for believing he is our to "get" you... Greg

bek said...

thats what i am trying to do! look back! but i cannot see what God has done! let alone what he may do for me!

im trying not to treat him like a genie that gives me what i want, but it would be nice if at least ONCE in my life it felt like God had good things planned for me

i feel so selfish, but i dont care.